Joyful Night

A service with Christmas carols, readings, and the blessing of the Christmas tree and manger to share in your home or with family or friends, Joyful Night can be used in person or across the miles, using technology. Originally designed for use on Christmas Eve, it can be used any time in the days leading up to Christmas. A wonderful way to incorporate a memorable and meaningful spiritual aspect into your Christmas celebration at home.

Comfort Food from Faith magazine

“2020 has been a year in which the hashtags #stressbaking and #quarantinebaking were commonplace in cyberspace. It all comes down to comfort; any reputable chef or baker will tell you that food can be a salve for what ails,” writes Mary Solberg, former editor of Faith magazine. The notion inspired her to feature Sister Mary Drexler, SSJ, on the cover the December 2020 edition. Find the story — including recipes — here.

Make a Christmas pilgrimage!

To celebrate the Christmas season, Catholic pilgrimage company Verso Ministries has published “Christmas Around the World,” an at-home pilgrimage guide. Available as a free download on their website at, the 28-page e-book features Christmas traditions of eight different countries, including the West Bank, Italy, Philippines, France, South Africa, Mexico, Spain,and Portugal.

The “pilgrimage” is designed to take place during the Christmas Octave from December 25-January 1, although pilgrims can set their own pace and schedule. Each of the eight days highlights a different country and the Christmas traditions unique to that culture. In addition to an accompanying prayer or reflection, the itinerary includes a Christmas recipe from each country, as well as several family-friendly activities.

Christmas Music and Sing-alongs

These can be enjoyed at home or “shared” on a Zoom screen with family and friends separated only by distance, not by their hearts and spirits. (Remember, you can always click on “skip ad!”

25 Popular Christmas Songs

The Best Christmas Song I’ve Ever Heard
Why not take a couple minutes to see if you agree?

Soft Christmas instrumental music
Three hours of inspirational, calming background music.

Oldies but goodies
Two hours of Christmas songs that warm the hearts of young and old alike.

Religious Christmas songs and hymns with lyrics so you can sing along.

Week by week activities as you prepare for Christmas

The Diocese of Erie’s Office of Faith Formation has created Home for Christmas, a page of prayers as well as fun and meaningful activities for each week in Advent, as you prepare for Christmas.