Spiritual Gifts Inventory, 13-18

Primary: What are my gifts and talents and how do I use them? Ages 13-18

Description: A spiritual gifts inventory is a tool that helps parishioners discover the charisms that God has given them so that they can grow and can build up the Church community around them. This inventory was developed for middle to high school aged parishioners. The results of this inventory guide parish leaders in honoring and developing the specific gifts of their young parishioners and in finding ways for them to meaningfully participate in parish life, according to the unique gifts God has created in them.

Previous Successes:

  • Diocese of Cleveland, OH
  • Oil City Catholic Community catechists


  • The Spiritual Gifts inventory is free for use if credit is given to the Diocese of Cleveland: https://www.dioceseofcleveland.org/files/assets/spiritual-gifts-youth-ministry.pdf
  • Optional training and mentoring in using the spiritual gifts inventory is available by request from members of the Faith Formation team. To discuss your parish’s needs and find the right guide for your parish, please call Deacon Steve Washek at 814-824-1215.