Medical Insurance

The diocese’s self-funded medical plan is available to all eligible employees. The diocese pays a major portion of the employee’s monthly premium. For details regarding the plan please see the information below.


How to use the benefit
Your medical plan utilizes a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) network, which outlines participating providers. However, it is your choice as to which provider to use. To begin taking advantage of the prescription medicine insurance, simply notify your pharmacy.

Enrolling and making changes
You must enroll, and select dependent coverage options, within 30 days of your start date. Each fall, the diocese participates in open enrollment when you can make changes to your plan. Outside of the open enrollment period, changes can only be made due to qualifying life events (like marriage, divorce or having a child). For more information, contact human resources.

Declining coverage
You have the option to decline the medical insurance coverage. If you decline the diocese’s medical coverage for yourself, you are also declining coverage for your family members. Declining the coverage does not result in a payment or increase in your salary in lieu of coverage.